In 2009 – between 27 October and 1 November – Raul Mourão and photographer David Pacheco produced the photographic sequences LÂMPADAS and LAPA DO ALTO and filmed BATE PORTA, NOVA CAPELLA AND PLANO/ACASO.
After a night capturing images from a balcony of a multi-storey car park for LAPA DO ALTO, with dawn on the horizon, both went down on the car lift and recorded the journey. It was the start of PLANO/ACASO, a 4-minute sequence in which the camera slowly captures the passing of the building’s deserted floors.
The video was exhibited at the solo show TRAÇÃO ANIMAL (2012), at Museum de Arte Moderna, in Rio, and in the following group shows PAISAGEM INCOMPLETA (2010), in Minas Gerais, MIRADAS INSOBORNABLES: IMÁGENES EN PRESENTE CONTINUO (2013), in Buenos Aires, PARALELA 2010: A CONTEMPLAÇÃO DO MUNDO (2010), in São Paulo; at the 7th BIENNIEAL OF ART AND CULTURE OF SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE (2013); and in ALL THE BEST ARTISTS ARE MY FRIENDS (PART 1), in New Jersey (2014).